Monday, March 24, 2014

The Cruise Journal - Day 2

Today was the first full day on the ship! We spent the entire day at sea which means we had plenty of time to explore the boat and check out all the dining options.

All three of us are fairly athletic, so we started the day out by heading to the fitness center. As I’ve posted before, I’m currently training for a half marathon. I’m currently in week 10 of 16 of training, so I can’t afford to slack too much on my runs. There is a track on the ship, but it’s on the top deck and it’s so sunny and hot, I figured it’d be more comfortable to run on the treadmill even though I definitely prefer running outside. The interesting thing about running on a treadmill is that I hadn’t noticed the ship rocking side to side until I was on the treadmill. As I said before, the ship’s floor has a ~10 Hz constant vibration to it, but I hadn’t noticed any rocking. The treadmill that I was on was perpendicular to the length of the ship so that I was looking out the window at the sea. When I first got on the treadmill, I felt like I was running downhill, so I increased the incline a bit. Next thing I know I feel like I’m seriously running uphill. Finally, I figured out that the boat was actually rocking left to right making my treadmill feel like I was running up and down hills. It was kind of a surreal experience. It seemed like the left to right rocking of the boat was a second-order, long period (phugoid) type oscillatory motion with a time constant of ~5s (yeah, that’s how I think about things…sometimes I hate being an engineer).

Trying to maintain that girlish figure!

In spite of the constant swaying to and fro, I somehow managed to get in a decent 4 mile run. I’m not really following my training plan this week; I’m just trying to get in enough distance that I don’t lose any aerobic fitness. The break will probably actually be good for me since my shins had been hurting lately which was likely the result of an overuse injury.

After our workout, we spent most of the rest of the day lounging by the pool. It’s pretty cool sitting at the top of the ship and looking out to see nothing but ocean all around you. I chilled and enjoyed my magazines and Preksha and Sarah both got some good naps in. I thought I had been very thorough with my sunscreen, but somehow I missed a spot under my right arm pit and now have a stripe of sun burn. Thankfully that’s the only part of my body which seems to have been over exposed to the sunlight.

Apparently, the ship also has a small library. In addition to books, they also had a decent selection of board games. We hung out for a while in the library to play a game of Scrabble.

Preksha being a dork while playing Scrabble.

Messing around waiting for Preksha to move.

They also had a Monopoly board available but we knew there was no way we would be able to quietly play a game of Monopoly. So, we snuck the board out of the library and brought it back with us to our room.

Setting up the Monopoly board. This is where friendship ends.

Now – Monopoly is not a friendly game. In fact, I would go so far as to say that Monopoly, played properly, is ruthless. So, we put our friendship on hold in order to really, properly play Monopoly. I ended up having some very good luck during the game and landed on “free parking” – and winning all the money from taxes – at several points during the game. Once I had hotels on all of the green properties as well as the blue properties, the game was over. Yet another Monopoly win in the bank.

We had dinner at one of the on board restaurants, Aqua which was quite good. It’s so great getting to eat at actual restaurants on the cruise but not having to pay the bill at the end. It kind of feels like we’re skipping out without paying the bill. All the food thus far has been quite delicious and I’m looking forward to the rest of the meals!

Enjoying yet another delicious cruise meal.

Anywho, that's it for day 2!  After dinner we went back to the cabin for movies and an early bedtime.  Vacation is for catching up on sleep, right?

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